About us
The Initiative to Develop African Research Leaders (IDeAL), based at the KEMRI – Wellcome Trust Research Programme in Kenya, is a high-quality training programme that aims to develop outstanding young African scientists into world-class research leaders. It is available to young researchers, from undergraduate research attachments to postdoctoral fellowships, with the aim of keeping scientists at African institutions through a defined programme of recruitment, supervision, mentorship, multidisciplinary approaches and clear career paths.
See MoreDeveloping outstanding African Scientists into World-Class Research Leaders.

What we do
We attract
We have programmes to attract young people into research that include school leavers attachment schemes, undergraduate research attachments across all departments with KEMRI – Wellcome Trust, and the defunct internship which is now a Postgraduate Diploma Studentship offered in partnership with Pwani University.
Read moreWe train
We support highly motivated people through training in Science related subjects at PhD level. We are one of the two Open University Accredited Research Centres in Africa to offer doctoral training. We also offer Masters Studentships to enable Masters Students in their 2nd of training do high quality research projects ahead of graduation.
Read moreWe retain
In our bid to retain and nurture African scientists, we offer Early and Mid-Career Postdoctoral Fellowships as well as transition support immediately after PhD. This support goes as far as providing necessary support to facilitated building of new collaborations by our fellows.
Read moreOur impact
IDeAL, which took over from the previous Strategic Award (2008 – 2015) by the Wellcome Trust, has seen a tremendous growth in the number of trained PhDs, Masters training support, and even the defunct internship programme. To date, over 100+ have been trained within the Capacity Building framework at KEMRI – Wellcome Trust, now dubbed IDeAL.
Read moreOur publications
The comprehensive capacity building framework has seen an output of over 400+ publications in peer reviewed journals and over 100+ conference presentations and an equal number in poster presentations.
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