Dr. Joseph Mwangangi

Current Students

Past Students

Prophet Mulega


KEMRI – Wellcome Trust

Joseph graduated with BSc (Zoology, Botany and Geography) from Kenyatta University, Kenya in 1997. He joined KEMRI in 1998. Mwangangi graduated with a PhD degree in Medical Entomology from Kenyatta University in 2007. His research interests are malaria vector biology and ecology, novel approaches to the control of vector borne diseases and the monitoring of insecticide resistance. His current research work includes Integrated Vector Management (IVM) using a community based model that empowers communities and public health stakeholders to participate in disease control. He is a Young Affiliate Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) and the TWAS Regional Office for Sub-Saharan Africa (TWAS-ROSSA) for period 2011 – 2015. He is an Official of the Pan African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA), Kenyan Chapter and member of PAMCA’s coordinating committee.