Dr. Alison Talbert

Current Mentees

Dr. Obonyo Nchafatso, MBChB

Past Mentees


KEMRI – Wellcome Trust, Kenya 

Alison Talbert is a paediatrician with research interests in malnutrition, infection and infant and young child feeding. She moved to Kilifi in 2005 from Tanzania where she collaborated with Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine on tick-borne relapsing fever control using insecticide treated bed nets. In Kilifi she has worked on malnutrition studies led by Professor Kath Maitland and Dr. Jay Berkley. She has been an investigator on a study of endotoxinaemia in malnutrition and malaria, and on clinical trials of an outpatient treatment strategy of ready to use supplementary food in moderate malnutrition (Modmal) and omega-3 PUFA enriched ready to use therapeutic food in treatment of severe acute malnutrition (NjuguPlus). She is now leading a community based study of breastfeeding practices and advice given to first time mothers in Jaribuni Division.